Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 down, 1 to go!

OSCE's done!!!

Well, not the most jubilant moment just yet. There are certain things I could have done better. But nothing can change now. Will definitely reflect on them after exams and do better in future OSCEs. At least now I know how it's like to do an OSCE here. Not very much different from the ones we had back home, just that things have to be done quicker and more is expected out of us. Fair enough - 3rd year - we're supposed to be able to come up with sensible differential diagnoses (on the spot! in 5 minutes!).

Anyway, it's cramming time for the final written paper on Friday. Read read read...and it's annoying how the weather has been so beautiful when we're having exams. Hope it'll stay that way after exams. Lying on the grass, cup of tea, nice :)

I can do it!

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